Extremities Treatment in Tulsa, Oklahoma

When chiropractors speak of an extremity, we are talking about the joints of the body that are outside the spinal joints. These joints include the ribs, shoulder and elbow, wrist and hand, hip, knee, ankle and foot, as well as the hands and toes.

Chiropractors look at the spine for joint fixations, subluxations, and joint motion dysfunction. In a very similar way, extremities can have fixations, subluxations, and joint motion restrictions. These problems may be chronic or acute and many people have great relief from their extremity adjustments.

Signs or possible symptoms of an extremity issue that can be helped by a chiropractor:

• Extremity pain or pain in the extremity joint
• Weakness in an extremity or joint
• Stiffness in the extremity
• Immobility of an extremity joint
• Numbness or tingling in an extremity
• Catching or locking of an extremity joint

The goal of adjusting extremities is to restore the original and proper alignment of the joint which allows it to have normal
and proper function.


Receive A Complimentary Consultation

If you’d like to increase your quality of life and revitalize your health… naturally, we have a valuable offer for you!

We provide a FREE consultation for you to determine what is going on and if we can help, before you make any financial commitment to treatment.  There is NO OBLIGATION! 


Step 1

Schedule your appointment
on our site or by calling our office.

Step 2

Click below to complete the simple and easy to fill new patient forms. 

Step 3

Save 10-15 minutes at your appointment by completing the new patient forms in advance.


Dr. Martinez your go-to Chiropractor in Tulsa is in network with Blue Cross Blue Shield, Community Care, Health Choice, Personal Injury/Auto Accidents Preferred Community Choice, PPO Oklahoma, and Medicare.
We also accept cash-paying patients.


7614 E 91st St Suite 110, Tulsa, OK 74133
918 – 493 – 2777

We Create Healthy Families!

You Deserve To Feel Great. We Can Help! Reserve Your Appointment Today And Get Relief!


Dr. Tomas Martinez, D.C
7614 E 91st St Suite 110, Tulsa, OK 74133

Monday – Wednesday :
9:00AM – 1:00PM & 3:00PM – 6:00PM
Thursday :
9:00AM – 11:45AM & 3:00PM – 6:00PM
Walk-ins are Welcome!

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